Buck Schnizzzel

Reviews by Buck Schnizzzel

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    Great campaign.
     Lots of action.
     Realistic looking environments.
    Challenging tasks along the way.


    First building you come across in the first map the doorways between each room were pitch black. You couldn't see into the next room, even when the door was open. Only happens in that one building though.
    Bots sometimes won't enter saferoom in first map and tram in the 2nd.
    Finale a little too quick and easy


    Great campaign. My only major criticism is the finale. It's a little too quick and easy. With such a large area it seems like a good environment to have the survivors running around and doing tasks related to the rescue while fending off the hordes. I saw a tank (vehicle, not zombie) up on a hoist in one of the buildings. Doing tasks to get that down and running might have been a good finale. Just a thought.
    Otherwise, excellent job.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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