
Reviews by darkcarnivalremixgavemecancer

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  • have never played something like this before

    Wow. Just wow. This campaign is something else. The layout, the infected spawn points.... Wow. There aren't enough words in the english language to describe how fucking dogshit this fucking horrible shitty ass fucking campaign is. This is the last time I trust a comment section. I would suggest every single one of you who left a positive review/comment on this to first: 1. Get a CAT scan because there has to be something wrong with your brain for you to do something so fucking stupid. 2. To get your reproductive organs removed because we do not need more braindead idiots like you on this planet, only 1 of you is already too much. 
    First off what the fuck is up with the fucking tank spawn spots? Why did you specifically choose spawn points where we get fucking butt fucked the second he spawns?? Why is it always around a corner? Fucking dick. And don't get me started on the 3rd map. How the fuck are we supposed to get past the rollercoaster when there are so many fucking zombies (who probably have more braincells than the rest of you brainlets who left positive feedback). I was more dissapointed when I couldn't ride the rollercoaster, than when I found out santa isnt real. Fuck you for crushing my dreams. And what is up with the layout of the maps? Half of the time I had no fucking clue where I was supposed to be going, so I ended up fucking dying. If you don't want to lose all your brainells, I suggest not playing this fucking ass campaign. I also can't believe one of you said that this is better than the original. I hope you realize that I am now suicidal because of you. I no longer have hope for humanity.
    • Probably you're just not good at playing L4D2. If you complained on a campaign like this, probably you would scream to death when playing the old Silent Hill campaign, or other custom campaigns with much higher difficulty. Train more, & when you get better at playing this game, hopefully you can finish this campaign without problem.

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