
the rump shaker shake that rump rump sahker

Reviews by umadbro6440752

All Reviews
  • A surprisingly close experience to TRS's vision of L4D before Valve beat them over the head and say No.

    From what I experience after trying all 3 bot mods 
    I'd recommend Angry / Complete version for vanilla players looking for something new and fresh seems to work best for those that doesn't have extra sourcemod plugins.
    And the Simple version works best for players who have been running with a few dozen plugins.
    because I tried this mod at first and didn't like it as much compare to now.
    I'll say that the buy menu for both survivor and specials are very interesting, certainly feels like it spiced up the gameplay somewhat and I'd like it if the specials (especially the tank) had cooldown timer between buys/messages spread out a little further and take a little more time instead of spamming it constantly (ESPECIALLY the tank constantly spawning witch)
    There's a lot of questionable mechanics that messes up with the core gameplay because in the Complete version it seems the survivor bots cant friendly fire the player or other survivor bots but the player can friendly fire on survivor bots and do a lot of damage for some reason despite me having survivor_friendly_fire_factor_expert 0.01 in both my left4bot convars and merciless bot's own cvar cfg.
    Overall a pretty fun mod, was expecting this to be another 6 millionth ""bot :OO improvement mod!! works (bot can lead again!!)" mod but got blown away with how much this expanded on the gameplay mechanics and added in abandoned/cut mechanics and some new ones.
    I would like to see an option to see your current EXP in the chat box instead of the console and a buy cooldown for both the survivor and the specials because the tank could just spawn in and out buy everyone.
    unrelated screenshot 
    i think its funny because i called francis to crown the witch then he fumbles it and crashes the game
    *and i notice my game been crashing a lot more lately with your mods when error such as "CUtIRBTree" and "Too many indices" are the two main engine errors, with your mod off my game seems to run just as it did normally (im using the simple version, if you're wondering)

    Edited: March 2023

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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