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Reviews by Brinnie

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Published Items

  • Mod
    New audio files for Bill

    This replaces Bill's default audio files with the modded ones. You can hear him say "I'm gonna grab this range rifle" when he grabs a rifle or hear him say "Extra side arms" when he also grabs a rifle. Just place the VPK file in the addo...

  • Mod
    New audio files for Zoey

    This replaces Zoey's default audio files with the modded ones. You can hear her saying "Bile jar here!" when she sees a boomer bile placed. You can also hear her saying other stuff when you play any campaign. Just stick the VPK file in t...

  • Mod
    Rochelle replaces Louis (Cleaner Version)

    Rochelle replaces Louis is a replacement for Louis that you can play as Rochelle with the other L4D1 survivors. Stick that VPK file in the addons folder and it should work. Don't judge me, I'm not a professional modder, but I just want t...

  • Mod
    New quotes for the new survivors

    These custom audio files were used with, and it replaces the original ones with these and other existing audio files. Just place the VPK in the addons folder and it should play. There may be other audio files that are not inc...

  • Mod
    Zoey replaces Ellis (Cleaner Version)

    This replaces Ellis with a default model of Zoey but also uses her audio files which also replaces Ellis. Drop the vpk in the addons folder to install it. Don't judge me, I'm not a professional modder, but I just decided to upload it in ...

  • Mod
    Left 4 Dead 2 Saferoom Achievement Music

    This replaces the original one with this Saferoom Music from Left 4 Dead 2. All you gotta do is just stick that folder in the custom folder and it should play once you get an achievement. No copyright infrigement intended.

  • Mod
    Left 4 Dead 2 Weapon Sound Pack

    These sounds replace the original with the Left 4 Dead 2 weapon sounds. All you have to do is just stick the folder in the custom folder and it should play. L4D2 Pistol - Pistol Auto shotgun - Scattergun Pipe bomb and Grenade La...


End of results.