
He who follows what is Just, follows nothing but a shadow of what Just is.

Reviews by Kloda

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  • Pros:

    - The concept was nice, the winterish theme made it look so peaceful...
    - I didn't see any huge issue with the balancing on the map, and I believe it to be doable on any difficulty and any amount of players / bots.
    - There was a good amount of detail in the map.


    - Me and my buddy like to tweak around a bit, and as good as the map was, it was somewhat disorienting as the darkness and somewhat repetitive scenery made it difficult for us to find where we was supposed to go.
    - It might just be me, but mob events seem to happen very often, while they posed little threat to us, it did give me a negative impact as it just got tedious rather than challenging.
    - There are some places that need fixing. For example the alarm where you have to speed across the dock and shut it off, once that part is done - There's no real pattern that tells you where to go, by one of the metal bridges you could jump down into the safe water and the side docks, there was an opening that looked liked it was the right way, but it was a death trap as once you fell down, there was no way back up and we was forced to restart.
    - We quit there, so I didn't get to see much more.


    In conclusion, it's not a bad map. It has many pros and cons but that just means it has potential for improvement. The scenery was nice and I certainly enjoyed the peaceful feeling I had walking around a town in the snow, as I love snow.
    80/100 for me, but that's only  because of the minor tweaks that ruin the map slightly. Othervise, masterfuly done.

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