original special infected skins
original textures
spacious map
lots to explore
creepy environment
creepy sounds
beautiful custom weapons
no indications/markers
to dark in certain area's
hardly any ammo drops
not much supplies
This is a brilliant map
It really takes you back to silent hill with its dark hallways and creepy sounds.
This to me is an awesome add on map, it does have a few issues but in no way does that affect the fun.
I rarely get a good scare from l4d, but with this map i found myself jumping a couple of times....The sounds the specials make has to be the creepiest thing on this map and of course the way they look.with that in mind you tend to forget your playing l4d..i have more positive things to say about this campaign..but i also have a few negative things as well.The extremely dark area's were a bit much and your flashlight doesn't offer much light...lack of ammo drops and or supplies is ok, but at least have ammo in the safe-room because you will need it.Notes are left around but don't really give you any hints...after wandering around for what felt like hours i found myself confused and ticked off as to where to go and eventually got tired and quit the game.Arrows...or lanterns or a guy ina chicken costume... something telling you where to go would have been nice.
This map is good alone without any of the above mentioned problems...but it could be a GREAT map if certain things were addressed.
well done :O)
This review was posted before the latest release.