
Reviews by ScootaBoot

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  • Pros:

    - Virtually never before seen idea
    - Very colorful and pretty
    - Landscape looks very nice, Map 2 'The Temple', it's hills and windy roads actually looked quite interesting
    - Fun horde calling mechanism required to fight the Tank
    - Finale was long, but very enjoyable 


    - The City looks untouched, as if every one just left the street, and the infected rolled in, rather being a riot ravaged, disaster. Although, the sheer beauty of the level combats this.
    - The 'checkpoints' in the finale, those rooms with supplies and such, Rochelle and Coach bot walked into the corner and got stuck with the supplies on the last room before the Tank spawn and run to the helicopter, forcing Me and Ellis bot to survive at the Helicopter. The two stuck bots were scared off by a Tank that then chased Coach bot, and Rochelle bot returned to the corner. Me, Ellis and Coach Bot had to survive at the helicopter for 5 minutes til Rochelle bot (with her supplies of Ammo Piles and Adrenaline) was finally seen by, and attacked by, a new, 4th Tank.


    Truly enjoyable, although a somewhat short campaign (Approx 30 - 40 minutes) it is worth a play, especially if you feel like some good old L4D2 in Singleplayer. Mixmedias been one of my popular interests on this website for quite a while, being the creator of 'City 17' for L4D and L4D2, and the popular Payoad Hoodoo map. Encourage downloading for simple, yet quite enjoyable gameplay.

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