
Reviews by Pownagesince19967

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  • Pros:

    - Detailed, and different environments in each chapter.
    - Long, Like it took 1 hour and 13 minutes to finish it with a friend.
    - Dialogue was alright, however there could be more dialogue such as the characters talking or Crusendo events other than the plane and cars.
    - Cable car :D


    - AI is a bit derpy, such as staring me in the face while a smoker asphyxiates me and getting stuck on barrels of fire. (Not much can be done about this so)
    - Getting stuck in area's e.g. the tank spawned on the other end of the Cable car. Some of the bots ran down into the ditch below the cable car at end and got stuck, We couldn't jump back up easily. Ending area, The broken bit left of the radio, there is a small ledge below it, can get stuck/die from falling if you're not careful.


    Was fun to play, long meaning time was sunk into it while still being enjoyable, there were a couple of texture errors, such as Pink and black Skybox on last chapter, Certain walls showing up as a white box.
    Over-all it was a fun campaign :)

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