
Generic reviewer, nuff' said.

Reviews by Mazarguy2000

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    -A very lengthy campaign 
    -Tons of humorous moments
    -Huge maps
    -Actually, it's a spooky campaign
    -Loads of interaction


    -The north door at stage 3 was frustrating, the zombies kept coming in, tons at a time, took about 3 times before the doors could shut properly.


    One of the best maps I've ever played, the bit that got me in tears of laughter was the zombie in the car at the first stage, and it's a bit dark in stage 3. For the interaction, The key for the gunshop was genius, but sadly, that ends up as a trap. The North entrance at the mall was a pain, but i'm sure it's only a minor. I'd reccomended to play with friends for this, it makes a great campaign an even better one, nice job.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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