
Reviews by deathmuncher

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  • Pros:

    Plenty to build.
    Long games means fun for a while.
    Constant zombies keep you busy.
    When everything is built and we were in the rocket there was a feeling of accomplishment.
    The tech tree forces you to prioritize what you need most.
    The map is open enough that the A.I. can usually pull there weight around.


    Long games keep some people from sticking through the whole thing.
    A glitch where attacking while building makes it not much of a challenge building with zombies surrounding you.
    A glitch where anything in the object will get stuck in it (including players and tanks.)
    Having to pour gas before continuing stumbled a lot of people.
    I would prefer that the M.G. that is built be a weak automatic gun.


    A great map that i had fun for hours on with my friends. My biggest problem was the lack of people willing to try this map.
    I'm leaving out a lot of other opinions i have to keep the review from being massive. When playing with just A.I. playing on easy is recommended. 

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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