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Reviews by Darkhunter
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- Twilight Crosshair
Same as my OMGOT vertical HUD/Twilight Crosshair, except that this one is on the default HUD.
- Twilight Crosshair/OMGOT vertical HUD
Twilight's cutie mark is now a crosshair. I hacked it on my currently installed OMGOT's vertical HUD for personal use, but decided that there's no harm in sharing ;) If you type Crosshair 1 in the console then the game will also draw th...
- Fluttershy themed witch
I made a Fluttershy themed witch to go along with Ntuni's sound mod. Comes along with: -Normal maps -exponent files -Blood etc. -Custom butterfly particle effect, drawed and animated myself. -edited .vmt files -new textures -Fluttershy'...
- Vignette Flashlight
A simple vignette effect applied on a solid black background. This brightens the flashlight so it's easier to see in the dark.
- FIXED Queen Chrysalis G3 (No-pony version)
This is a No-pony version of my Queen Chrysalis G3 for those that like the colours etc. but dislike MLP
- FIXED Queen Chrysalis G3
Valve's G3 military sniper rifle is now Queen Chrysalis themed. Remade the entire weapon to fit the new resolution of 4096x4096. Made The textures more detailed Updated Normal maps and exponent files Drawed a Vector of Chrysalis's face ...
- Dat (less) buggy Cubic flashlight
The flashlight is now extremely bright and shaped as a square to illuminate your path as much as possible. If your flashlight is purple then look in the changelog.
- Celestia Flashlight
Celestia's cutie mark is now a flashlight.
- Discord Chrome shotgun
Discord's colour sheme is applied on the chrome shotgun. The grip and pump mechanism have a new texture. Custom shells feature Discord's grin
- (coach) Rainbow dash hooded hunter
Mr.Lanky's 'Coach Hunter' with a tweaked version of my rainbow dash hooded hunter skin.
- Red incendiary ammopack
This mod makes the incendiary ammopack red to give it a more distinctive colour.
- Pinkie pie themed jockey
The jockey is now pink, insane and completely out of his mind like Pinkie Pie is when making cupcakes. Clothing and hair is her mane colour. Skin is her skin colour. Blood and dirt were coloured red
- Lyra and Bonbon frying pan (and the pinkie axe)
This mod makes the frying pan Lyra and Bonbon themed, it also replaces the fireaxe with sabre's pinkie axe. His mod is included because Valve's texture file modifies both the frying pan and axe at the same time. A single frying pan mod ...
- NLR Commando Bill
Bill now looks like he has joined the New Lunar Republic rebellion. It contains several pictures from the fanfic.
- Hunter - Rainbow dash hoodie
The hunter now has a Rainbow dash themed hoodie as seen in online stores. It actually contains the real-life material texture extracted from photographs from those hoodies.
- Celestia baseball bat (requested by 1337gamer15)
This is a 'normal celestia' version of my Molestia baseball bat. -Replaced Molestia with a regular Princess Celestia. -Replaced Molestia's 'Gotcha' with 'To the moooon' thus refering to celestia banishing luna to the moon.
End of results.