
Reviews by Golono

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    Provides a perfect balance of the area covered and brightness.
    Looks more like the effects a real flashlight would cause.
    Very helpful in those pitch black areas of the game.
    Looks better than the default.
    Goes perfectly with 'The Real Death Toll' mod.
    The outer portion of the circle gives it the "lens feel".
    Does not have that annoying blue hue.


    None that I can find.


    A simple yet efficient replacement for the default flashlight texture. I found it to be very helpful in the darker areas of the maps where the default flashlight falls short. This is especially true when playing custom campaigns or using mods for the official campaigns that change the lighting. It stands out from other flashlight mods being that it is not too bright and covers a more realistic area of space. Furthermore, it does not have the blue hue outline that other flashlight mods have and the outline on this mod resembles the look produced by the lens on a real flashlight. Being that it avoids the mistakes that others have made and it achieves a close to perfection balance between brightness and the area cover, it earns a 10/10. 

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