
Reviews by leiftiger

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  • Pros:

    - Alot of puzzles, I don't see many around here lately..
    - The traps weren't too obvious and got me alot of times
    - Pretty scary when playing alone, I haven't tried it online yet though..


    - A few windows disappeared and allowed me to get outside of the map, which doesn't seem to be way you are supposed to go to
    - Some of the AI's tend to get stuck and stay in the room where the big table is, or they tend to go to a locked room which has stuff behind it.


    Great map, very different from all the other maps & campaigns around here, I liked how the zombies weren't the whole point of the map, like all the other campaigns.
    I have yet to finish this map yet, but I will try to do it, then I might have a friend around too. C:

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