
Steam: Kakander

Reviews by Kakander

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  • Pros:

    -The mountain side is great
    -Disallows long preparation, throws you right in
    -Good weapon selection (love my Magnum)
    -Forcing players to work for the decent weapons adds a nice new challenge


    -On survival an alert pops up for the generator, which confused me at first.
    -At first one doesn't know where the level 2 weapons are


    I had a lot of fun playing this map, even by myself.  I think if you had a dialog box alerting players that the AK and Autoshotty were at the top of the hill and they needed to fight their way up the hill and through the horde it would be helpful.  I figured that out after a couple of playthroughs, though the other reviewer seems to have missed it.  This was one of my favorites from the winter competition, very very nice.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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