
Reviews by Super*****an

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  • Pros:

    Feels exactly like Silent Hill
    Has a neato custom sound pack
    Has cool puzzles


    Not enough weapons and health for 4 people
    It's super-duper long!
    The other characters don't pick up weapons or anything, they're stuck with pistols through the whole thing!
    Some glitchy puzzles


    I thought this was the coolest thing when I found it! If you're a serious Silent Hill player, you'll probably love it as much as I did. There are loads of zombies to kill and cool little areas from Silent Hill to explore. Even the puzzles are there! The only complaints I really have are that the other characters are programed not to pick up weapons for themselves? Also, there are only a few weapons scattered throughout the game and VERY FEW health packs; way too few for 4 people when the other characters are too stupid to do anything for themselves.
    Also, the puzzle in what I think was the last level was faulty. The one where you're in the room with the painting and candles and the safe room door is barred. (If anyone else is having trouble with that part, this is the way I did it: I brought all of the characters into the little hall and beat them with my pistols 'til I had pushed them into the room together.)
    If these few things were changed/fixed, I think I'd rate it a perfect score!

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