
Reviews by dasl12

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    -The best fan-made map I have ever played.
    -Feels more like true Minecraft than anything else ive played. (Excluding true Minecraft, but you can't replicate that feel)
    -I would list more, but I honestly can't decide what else to add, there are so many good things about this map.


    Nope, don't even say it. You dare say there are cons, I will make it my life ambition to get you torn to shreds by 5 tanks at once. There are no cons, and besides - why would there be?


    As I said in my 'Pros', this is the best fan-made map I have ever played. It is fun, replay-able, challenging, and is set in the 'universe' of one of my favourite games in existence.

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