
I'm 53 years old but I have the brain of a teenager and the body of a 90 year old. I'm disabled, and have waaay too much free time on my hands! I'm totally hooked on left4dead2 got to play it all the time! For a year I've updated & upgraded about everyth

Reviews by Colleen

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    several natural disasters from start to end, first survivors join in fight, cool music and special effects, lots of fires, and bombings!




    I loved this map a lot when it first came out.  Now it's fantastic, lots of bombings, several natural disasters, it great all the way around!  I instantly put in on my favorite maps. I couldn't stop, had to play twice in a row....haven't played the survival map yet i gonna do that righttttt now great job Creating Worlds!

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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