
Reviews by grizzle

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  • Pros:

    Level design is really good.  Lots of thought went into making a good 3d layout.  There is a good amount of both flat and vertical traversing
    As SG Heartless is so well known for, there are some REAL  surprises in this campaign 
    Good supply of ammo and other goodies.


    Some level detail is slightly lacking, but nothing terrible
    1st map starts off with a rediculous endless hoard until you shut off the alarm.  Fortunately that isn't very far.


    One thing I noticed and that I really appreciate is the lighting.  From the beginning where it is dark outside to the last map you really get the sense of time passing with the final map being early dawn....very well done.
    Good textures and modeling, very good infact.
    Unique features in the various maps make for some very interesting navigation.
    NO TEXTURE ISSUES...but then SG Heartless wouldn't post crap unless it was thoroughly  polished.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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