
john from the 125th departement.

Reviews by one2five

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    -good directions
    -5 maps, I have always liked the 5 map format on campaigns
    -posters OK , but could use wall behind it.
    -really nice subway looks sweet.
    -liked the underground areas .
    -loved the fact of being able to walk over a man hole and see the next safe room.


    -missing soundscapes for example ,map 1, no soundscape inside so by walking out onto the balcony right at the beginning you can hear the wind and outside sound all through the level.
    -no survivor dialogue on intro
    -intro terribly laggy and glitchy.
    not enough details IE dirty areas especially on map 1.Empty corridors and clean walls.
    .Boring events, every single one is just flip the switch and a door opens.Needs more originality.
    HUGR glitch where you can skip the train part by jumping over it.
    -on the map with the bridge need allot of details added to the underneath part of the bridge .
    -same map no sound on the opening of the gate.
    -no sound in the moving train.
    -Can't remember if its map 1 or 2 but the maps are too long.
    -empty areas need filling up in the subway.


    Overall good potential on this campaign but allot of work is needed we found playing it.
    If all the issues are fixed and maybe shorter maps this would be a top 10-15 for me.
    Appreciate all campaigns like this with good work put into it.
    Obvious it needs versus mode too.

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