Game Maps
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Reviews by d00mguy

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    -Very good new mechanics.
    -Plenty of tight areas providing harder more suspenseful gameplay.
    -All maps but the last look very good.
    -Can be very challenging. 


    -The new mechanics were not well used.
    -The finale was not very good.
    -Way to many hordes.
    -To many reused assets from the valve maps in random places. i.e. Gnome Chompski and the float from "The Parish" on the highway on the last map.
    -bot survivors get lost and fall off the raft. 
    -Supplies can be very hard to come by at some points.


    It could have been much better, every thing is there to have a very good unique Campaign, but it just did not hit the mark. A better use of the new ideas and game Mechanics would have served it very well. The map is still good and playable, but I would not recommend it if your looking forward to fighting a Giant tank or looking for awesome new Game Mechanics that you will be forced to use.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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