
Reviews by ThomsonR

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  • Pros:

    -Bright flashy colors everywhere
    -Map is similar to a shooting gallery.  You can practice your aim.
    -Very linear meaning you won't get lost making it great for more casual players


    -Long tedious corridors everywhere making the campaign get very old very fast
    -Constant hordes without any sign of breathing room
    -Item spawns could be placed better or be scattered throughout the map a bit more
    -Second map lighting is excessively bright and I honestly couldn't tell if I was missing a texture or if it was part of the map due to the bright pink / purple lighting.  Regardless of this fact it's obnoxious to look at.  As a bonus the zombies are bright and flashy as well.


    If I wanted endless waves of enemies in an uninspired atmosphere I would have just played a survival map.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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