
Reviews by doberle

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  • Pros:

    Solid design throughout.
    Varied locations with good detail.
    Inventive events.


    Some of the single levels are a bit long.
    Too many 90 degree corners.


    This campaign ranks among the best of the user made efforts, along with  Detour Ahead, I Hate Mountains 2, Dead B4 Dawn and Death Aboard 2.  The details and thoughtful design persist from beginning to finale.
    My only issues are with the following:
    Much of the map traversals consist of:  move, turn 90 degrees, repeat.
    There are some areas that stray from this forumula, like the beautiful riverfront town and the arena finale, but the rest is a series of 90 degree turns.
    The event with the fire and the boat can be easily glitched if a charger knocks survivors into the fallen bridge before the boat arrives.
    Other than that, this is a must play - one worth going back to.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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