
Received 3 Awards. See Awards
  • 3

Reviews by aPotato

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    -Nice Detail
    -Nice lighting
    -well placed items


    -a bit too small


    I think this is a nice map because the lighting is favorable and the prop placement was good. Although, the map's size is really what holds back this maps potential. Add a couple more rooms or maybe even a whole floor. I feel like if I had 4 people I could cover all spawns and nothing would spawn, but I have no idea if that would work. That is just how i see it. The map also provides a good challenge because of the lack of space which is a key element to survival maps.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

Published Items

  • Map

    You are contained in a section of the city. You try to call for help, but no one comes. Now with Left 4 Dead 1 Survivors and rain! Now with more places to survive!


End of results.