
You rock guys! <3

Reviews by lolhate

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    -makes the bots easier to play with
    -bots use melee weapons
    -Bots react faster to SI's 


    -I can't for the life of me get the bots to lead most of the time, and if they do lead it's incredibly slow and painful.
    -Character selection problems, but nothing can be done about that, Not the creator's fault.


    This mod is great, I told my friend to use it because of the "open developer console" button as he can't open it using his keyboard. 
    The creator's done a great job on this mod, I've had it on my radar for awhile and it's great to finally try it out!
    If you play single player, Get this mod.
    This mod gets a strong 8.5 , the reason I didn't rate higher is because It's not perfect and there are stuff that could be improved. 

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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