
Received 3 Awards. See Awards

In Death and in life I watched it all. Now I stand as your final boss. Can you stop one as old as I. Can you take down this creature of bone. Let you stand now looking at me onto a monster that could crush you with ease. Face me now and find out the might

  • 3

Reviews by Darkwatck01

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    The Feel
    Easy to follow Maps
    Wall art.
    Flow [How the maps blinded together]


    Infected Play?


    Starting on this was a fun game to play and I had a grand time playing that whole map as it was a simple walk. But I was half way confused when I saw a plane fly by and I ran after it think, "O this is a good win for me I go-" then I fell of the edge of the build as Zombies stormed my corps and started picking me to pieces.(Mmm Road kill O.o) When I was watching my friend get eat'n himself I could not help but wonder if the map had any surprises. But before I could look I save and decided to run for the safety of a safe room. But in-sted ran head head long into a tank with a anger problem. After shoving a pipe bomb down his through I was happy to get inside a safe room with DsGN | Armageddon getting Smoked and the bots trying to help by shooting the infected off. Almost about to laugh my (We won't say) off I turned and killed the SMoker and we all got out. (More or less with a Hunter holding onto my back the whole time.) Getting in for map teo was easy "run here, do this, not that the zombie will eat you, no turn around and kill the hunter on your friend. Now kill him, O wait he is on you side, O well to late now"  Now that I look back I have to ask myself was I really doing it or was the bot in me taking over. Either way I was happy to get to map three where I found myself yet again inside but this time we had even more ways to die. If the Charger had stopped Doing what ever and hit me It would have had a Death Charge and I would have been mad but kept playing. In the last map I thing it was the warning sign but I wanted to go to the heli-pad and see the out side bit I was doomed for the next copple of minutes trying to get up and then falling then going back down. When Nick when(DsGN | Armageddon) Finally died we tried again and this time got away. THe fact that a landing lights helped but the Tank in the face and getting incap twice by the same bot made me a little mad. But I got over it and we all got away.(Excepted Rochelle who I think is still their...Mah we don't need her ZOEY!)
    I give you a 93 out of 100 for the helipad proble That seemed to want to keep me grounded. 

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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