

Reviews by KiLlEr10312

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  • Pros:

    Actual Port of the campaign.
    Most of the textures work, and so do the models.
    Has some challenge to it.


    Some maps are really short (Like the apartments)
    All of the items are rigged. Everything spawns the same with no changes.
    Item caches give too much.
    Finale lacks instructions (We screwed up twice not knowing what to do.)
    Not many changes in the port. Nothing new or special.
    The sky keeps flickering to black (I tried mounting Hl2 again to see if it would fix, to no avail)
    Lack of balancing. It's tilted too much to the survivors, they get tier two weapons at the start.
    Ending continues to play game play sounds (No finale music)


    Upon playing the map, it has cons everywhere that make it a grudge to even play. It needs some improvement and better map blending. At least it is playable.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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