
Reviews by dlind70

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  • Pros:

    Adventure like
    Map 3 has a really good mansion to play in and search
    Intro is worth watching but not every playthrough
    Custom servers (if you can find one hosting it) for variety
    Looks like it took a long time to make...


    bland art/design in some areas
    can't hear custom voices if you're blasting infected
    Bots are brainless
    big download


    Cold Case has immersion that's for sure. Has an environment that feels very horrific if you were to peek behind the scenes. I play the campaign every few months and its always interesting. Real people required and on custom servers. Solo is only fun on the middle levels, like within the butcher's mansion. Has bland level design in some areas. Other than that It's worth at least one play.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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