So Good
Got shocked by the files size, but its all worth it, no invisible walls etc. played with bots on advanced mod and the ending is super funny cause you can camp well great map 10/10
So Good
Got shocked by the files size, but its all worth it, no invisible walls etc. played with bots on advanced mod and the ending is super funny cause you can camp well great map 10/10
This is actually good
A good map, for all of us who love's Half-Life a fresh nostalgic recall on what happened on black mesa, blend with Left 4 Dead 10/10
This review was posted before the latest release.
Where's the Cake?
Just Kidding probably a good puzzle map, kinda irritating while playing with bots, anyways added some self strategy and still great map, enjoyed it
Pretty Good
That's actually pretty fun and good, even though im using a crappy computer it run at 60 fps, have fun playing it thank you
This is actually a good map
This map has been beating me for the last hours i've played it, But the ending is actually good it's my first playing encountering some big ass boss with riddles to defeat it, very good map
Good for Testing
This map is simple and good for testing freshly installed mods for left 4 dead, thank you
Weird and Amazing
This probably one of the most weirdest and heart racing map I have played in Left 4 Dead 2 Custom Map, since i'm playing single player with bots, It took me 1 1/2 hours to finish this map since I feel like a speedrunner of this map and still got owned with some special zombies, but anyways the map is fun, I feel like it's referenced in a movie or something but the joy and thrill of this map gives it all the fun 10/10
So Good!
This review was posted before the latest release.