Objective: Open the doors guarding the flag by pressing the button. The doors only remain open for 30 seconds. Take the flag back to the capture point in your base. Scoring: 2 points for pressing the button, 5 points for capping the flag...
- ctf_access
- ctf_rbfortress
-2 Team map -All classes allowed -Capture the Flag
- ctf_flagcontrol
When a member of a team takes the flag to his teams base, he will score 1 point for his team for very 5 seconds he stands on the capture point.
- ctf_duality
Enter the enemy base and take their flag. Once you got it, take it to the capture point in your base.
- ctf_canyon_fortress
This capture flag map is fun and creates different styles of gameplay from tight compact areas to wide open spaces.
- ctf_rubble
League style CTF for Team Fortress Classic. Take flag from Enemy Flag Room back to your respawn area to receive ten points. Flags return after 60 seconds. Try throwing the flag out of the window to a team mate for some quick capping.
End of results.