Objective: Open the doors guarding the flag by pressing the button. The doors only remain open for 30 seconds. Take the flag back to the capture point in your base. Scoring: 2 points for pressing the button, 5 points for capping the flag...
- ctf_access
- Complex D (TF2)
Versus Saxton Hale map. Looks like a secret laboratory, where Red must fight with Hale (another freak) like group stripping fights with monster. Enjoy.
- UK Footie
Goalies have invun and quad but cannot leave the goal area. To score enter the enemy goal with the ball. Watch you dont score an own goal!
- Mulchman's Deathmatch
- Objective: Kill, Kill, and Kill more. - Scoring: Kill the other guys. - Other Notes: Happy Fragging.
- Applesauce
This is meant to be a 'league map'. You might agree with me that the spawns are in a terrible place. Use the little ramps to help you on offense - a little boost.
- 2fort Conc Jumping
This is a 2fort map for conc jumping.. fences are put up so you cant go outside the barriers.
- 2Fort Sniper
Customized version of 2fort for team fortress classic. This maps is for snipers only!
- ctf_duality
Enter the enemy base and take their flag. Once you got it, take it to the capture point in your base.
End of results.