What happens if you still receive consciousness even after being a zombie? Will you kill for brains? Will you still fight for mankind? Let's find it out in this addon! Features: - This addon will change the survivors to their undead cou...
Browsing 'Nicole' Mods
- The Rotten Mirror
- Nicole: Foxy Goth OutfitN/A
My first survivor reskin, Nicole's bio says she has a strong drive for fashion design, her old outfit disagreed with that.
By Vixx - Nicole - Improved First-Person ViewN/A
A modification that improves Nicole's first-person view model and textures. This will fix the wrong sleeve texture being displayed on Nicole's right arm, and will also remove unused geometry from her legs model.
End of results.
- Bunker Hunted map BETABeta N/A
Bunker Beta release. Map needs some play testing so please report any problems. Thank you! MAP FEATURES Slowly building up poisonous gas Vents and pipes eventually start to leak out poisonous gas. If the match stretches into late game...
By Keppu - Sniper Rifle - AN/PVS-4 Night Vision sightN/A
Adds a magnified night vision sight to the Remington R700 sniper rifle. Notes: Uses the same magnification as the original sniper scope. The scope exposure may vary depending on the HDR settings of individual maps.
- Ak74u Purple with gold TrimN/A
I made this because i have no life ( Mlg sticker included.)
By Oblivean - CH OutlyingN/A
**Attention!** don't work without CPC Outlying Game Mode: The Hunt Available weapons: Only crossbows and melee -=HAVE FUN=-
By dR.Vodker - CPC AsylumBeta N/A
Ported from Zombie Panic! Source for Contagion's Panic Classic mode. Now with sound system!!! Special thanks to the sound engineer of the development team of Contagion
By dR.Vodker - Session 9 - Part 1N/A
Can you escape Danvers State Mental Hospital? Based on the movie, Session 9, and the real hospital, torn down in 2006. Includes custom infected and melee weapons. Note: Make sure to download part 2 or you will be missing all textures an...
- Ryan Realistic US ACU camoN/A
Now Ryan look like he is a real Afghanistan war veteran. What's new : - New t-shirt, vest with camo, no any name on back; - Pants changed, more detailed and with camo; - Gloves have camo, and hands color fixed. - Masking on the face
By T/5. Elliot [22nd AB EU] - ce_armory3cN/A
Armory3c - Escape Map by Tabajara 7.7 'Armory3' is an extended and 'detailed' version from the original Zombie Panic: Source map : zpl_armory2. The map is based on a development are of the game where the survivors need to get out of the...
- Desert Eagle Black VersionN/A
Adds badass black Desert Eagle to game :) [Replaces 1911] Enjoy! :) Gun made by me programs I used to create this: Blender, Substance Painter, GIMP
By Rami - Русификатор сообщений в телефонеN/A
Этот мод создавался когда в игре не было русификатора. В дальнейшем обновлении игры появился перевод, но он выглядит коряво. В любом случае этот мод можно рассматривать как альтернативный перевод. Так же ВАЖНО создать файл autoexec.cf...
- Improvised Mare's Leg RifleN/A
A lever action pistol, hastily modified by cutting of the barrel and stock. Replaces the revolver. Features custom animations.
- 豆腐模式 TofuModeN/A
本模式灵感来源生化危机的豆腐模式. - 模式只有近战武器 - 噩梦难度下丧尸伤害约20HP. - 游戏指令:!hp查看自己当前血量. ▶ 模式开启方法: 1.控制台输入exec doufu 2.投票重新开始当前回合. Hardcore mode with only melee weapons Use the comma...