New Gamemaps design feedback

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  • (previous messages deleted to correct typos... error message given when attempting to edit)
    and on that note, communication in general seems very poor.
    most of the time I use Steam to contact Rayman... who, for whatever reason, is almost always offline.
    yes, he'll reply eventually... sometimes, but there's always a big delay.
    now I understand and respect people have lives of their own...
    but... with all due respect, how much of a "staff"... a "team" is there for this community?
    at least as far as anyone else who uses Steam ("iLL" I know we already discussed that with you).
    communication in general really needs to majorly improve overall.
    especially if you're considering returning that old "report" feature form the old "l4dmaps" days.
    you need to have someone ready and willing on standby to respond.
    especially based on the reasons... if there is theft or harassment, for example.
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  • @Computator (Staff)
    Hey, thx for the fix, all comments seems to appear properly now !)
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  • there's a lot more to "fix" than comments.
    i certainly hope they know how to do more than that.
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  • Hello:
    There is a user name Shuulwamine that frankly, should probably be banned from this website entirely.  Their comments about me are so over-the-top it is absurd.  If you are going to have rules, they must be enforced.
    Even though I've contributed 41 mods over the years and intend to release more, I'm sure if I said things like that about somebody on I would probably be banned, and rightfully so!
    Now, since this isn't a Guest I don't consider them a troll but someone who doesn't deserve to be a member.
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  • Oh what NOT a surprise guest commenting is still a shining example of what NOT to do, as Alfred said.
    Just look at the latest shenanigans happening on "Grave Consequences"...
    Unless Rayman happens to get to them before you look.
    So quick and proud to brag about piracy and no laws in other countries.
    It's really shameful Game Maps has certain stances that differ from Steam's own community.
    You have A LOT more work to do than what you think.
    And don't get me started on more recent review abuse I had to have cleaned up on my Portal 2 Underground item.
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  • I like how the real author of "Grave Consequences" joined to claim the unauthorized upload and nothing happened.
    Except further abuse by users and "DarthDed" disabled comments and made it reviews only.
    Ah yes, reviews, which just keep on getting abused like guest comments.
    I'll be curious to see if literally everything I've brought up is listened to or just ignored.
    Not even Rayman, the one admin who has actually been doing anything any more... has commented any where in here.
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  • Trunten I feel your pain.  In fact, I hardly ever write reviews anymore because I know if someone is too "thin-skinned" and they go bonkers over a bad review, I think it is highly debatable if anything will be done about it.  After all if I write comments people don't like and they go bonkers, nothing is done about it.
    As for Rayman1103, I've been trying to contact him for a while now but without luck and I don't know why.  Perhaps after participating in the The Last Stand Update, he decided to go on vacation or retire.
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  • Alfred, you should add him on Steam if you haven't already.
    I don't know how often he still comes around here unless he's alerted to problems on the site.
    However, even on Steam, his actions could still be delayed... yes, he's always busy with something some where.
    But he'll still take action on matters once he has a moment, sometimes you just have to keep reminding him.
    Sometimes he will almost always be appearing offline on Steam but messages will still go through to him.
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  • Thank you for the advice, Mr. Trunten.
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  • I don't know what's more amusing:
    1) guest comments are clearly definitely obviously a bad idea and abused.
    2) guests have nothing else better to do than to comment on something SEVERAL YEARS OLD.
    3) guests appearing to me stalking individual specific users (as in they're cowards hiding behind it to avoid bans)
    4) guests always say the same old immature childish one liners... "masturbate with shit" and calling others pedophiles
    And this is just one example, unless Rayman gets to it before you see it. I could of course go on and mention a lot more.
    But clearly the staff here has gotten some of my/our points by now...
    Now let's also focus next on reviews... as in, they might as well also remove that for the same reasons as guest posting.
    And preferably NOT replace it with anything else, as it'd still be abused... just like Steam's own ratings for example.
    Think about it, seriously, it just risks nothing but harming author's reputation and possibly driving away other users.
    Especially with all of the theft lately and other lacking of proper crediting and descriptions.
    Malicious users will continue manipulating these features into their own favor.
    Trust us, those of us with more sound mind and who have been around since the old "l4d maps" days.
    Get rid of guest comments AND reviews. Don't rework anything. Learn from your mistakes.
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  • Also, I seem to remember long ago, probably back during the old "l4d maps" days...
    Recommending to add that feature I've seen used on other sites that validates users through the Steam service.
    It was simply a way to log in and confirm your identity through Steam.
    Honestly this would be a great way to validate someone is legit and keep track of them as well as own certain games.
    Now I understand you want to allow as many users here as possible but we've seen what often happens before.
    Too much drama and too many problems from the so called "non Steam" users... which, by the way, there's no such thing.
    Give that some though as well if you truly care about your community and users and want to maintain some order.
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  • M iLL
    Hello Trunten,
    Of course we listen and appreciate all feedback. The ability for guests to participate on GameMaps has been removed weeks ago.   In addition, reviews were also removed from the beta many weeks ago too. This information was posted in the 'Recent Updates' in the news section. Stay tuned as we release news and progress frequently, usually on Fridays. We have a large amount of new updates ready to sweep across the platform in the coming days and into next week! :)  We are always looking forward to improving your experience.
    All of the feedback is important and rest assured we listen and things will only get better.
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  • "Recommending to add that feature I've seen used on other sites that validates users through the Steam service.
    It was simply a way to log in and confirm your identity through Steam."
    Trunten is right about this. At the very least login via Steam can be optional. Just add below login screen option to "Login with Steam", just like many sites have option to "Login with Gmail".
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  • It shouldn't be optional.
    Theft needs to stop, the site needs proper verification of users.
    And it'd also serve as a way to keep track of people trying to use multiple accounts.
    Even if someone made a new Steam account, they'd still have to have the same games purchased again.
    So at that point we'd see just how far and determined people are to continue being malicious.
    Hopefully a better and improved way of tracking by IP address like Rayman confirmed we do already have.
    Maybe even if there's a way to look further into Steam accounts to see if they have any restrictions would be useful.
    And the same or similar restrictions could also be applied and carried over to Game Maps.
    For obvious example, if they have any VAC bans then right there is already a sign we don't need them in the community.
    Optional is a bad idea just like with guest accounts... you know it's going to be abused, or in this case not used at all.
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