
Reviews by wretcheddollie

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    Random Navigation
    Good Layout and Design


    Intro still appears to be broken on some servers


    Enjoyed the campaign and the randomness. Layout and Level design looks good, and navigation is fine with me. So you have to explore a little until you learn the campaign, no big deal. The one thing that I do continue to have a problem with is the intro. Right now I can only seem to run it on the one 8 man server running using minimum mods.( multislots, tankbuster, simple supply, common infected regulator, vote manager, gore, admin respawn, weapon unlock, SG552 fix, afk fix ) While the intro isn't bad, it could be done away with for more playability IMO. In order for us to make it work we had to load in and leave one at a time to spawn in properly. Screen was black and stuck on Castorjudo Presents. Also missed the gas station event. Was that just random or did you feel you had to dumb it down for the players who couldn't make it through? Overall really enjoyable.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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