
Reviews by vmrj321

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  • Pros:

    -The customization is done perfectly. 
    -It is more immersive than I thought it would be. The atmosphere is spot on. You feel like you are playin Minecraft more than l4d. 
    -I won't spoil it but there are some unexpected surprises. 
    -Good map layout (Although your brain does get a little confused as to which game you are playing so you have to understand how the layout fits in the Minecraft world and not l4d. But that's not a con. It just adds to the immersion).


    - PLEASE PEOPLE: Not knowing how to deselect the addon button so this doesn't mess with other campaigns is not a con.
    -The only con I can think of is that the second to last stage is kind of tricky to navigate. Because of the "objective" of the stage, a lot of the hallways look the same and you can find yourself getting lost despite the arrow signs. Perhaps if the stage had more landmarks, it would be easier to get our bearings (just a suggestion).


    This campaign is a celebration of both L4D and Mnecraft. Funny how I learned about Deathcraft just when I was complaining about a lack of custom content for l4d. The core essences of both games are here and it plays great. I had a lot of fun and I want to thank the guys who put this together for their hard work.  

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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