

Reviews by Jules

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  • Pros:

    - Unique and mesmerizing second part
    - Yeti tank
    - Sound/music work


    - Navigation
    - Stairs fetish
    - The whole radio dialogue is just silly but points for trying


    This is a particularly difficult mod to review because it was made in a rush for a contest, and the amount of work and dedication that went into it pretty much counters any criticism.
    However, if you try to review it "objectively", it's still ambiguous.
    The first part of the campain is rather bland: the environments seem to have been put together with little concern for fluid navigation or challenging gameplay (pretty much the same remarks as for Fort Noesis).
    However when the building lights up, everything changes. I found myself completely immersed and staring in awe at the environments, skillfully completed by a haunting soundtrack (I didn't even mind the nav issues so much).
    Some more work on lights and navigation/environment (making some paths more obvious, blocking some views) would be enough to make this map a truly unique and shining example.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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