
Reviews by IMakeLevels

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  • Pros:

    -Mod has more than 7 words as a description!
    -Great composition of vistas
    -Good use of lighting
    -Survivor vocal audio
    -Custom weird creepy cool music
    -Branched paths and explorable pockets
    -Good use of player leading decals (spraypaint arrows, safe house symbols, etc)
    -Foreshadowing the boss fight before getting to the boss fight
    -Intro helicopter sequence
    -New innovative ideas; crafting bombs, vending machines that heal you, picking locked doors
    -Contextually appropriate weapons, especially the ones making use of the animated zombies skewered with a sword
    -VERY unique overall
    -Very unique finale, with caveats
    -Small details that most people won't notice, like the jokey in the kiddy ride entering the store and then he's missing from the kiddy ride when you go back outside. Poor evil zombie... =(


    -Restarted mod and started on map 2, intro safe room was bone dry. No health kits, no tier 1 weapons, nothing
    -Deep water with rails around it in Map 1 but had items in the water. Rails around water = "this water is dangerous"
    -Rolling crescendo in Map 3 isn't stated to the player
    -Map 3 rolling crescendo also had a branched path at the very start. 50/50 chance of going wrong way and ending up at a dead end
    -Lockpicking is just opening a door really slowly with no alternate outcomes
    -Finale jankiness. Zombies can't jump onto moving brushes (dock section) also if playing with survivor bots they WILL inevitably drown themselves as they derp out trying to stay on the dock


    I play and review a ton of mods, and this was a breath of fresh air in the stale bag of most L4D2 mods. It was hands down the most innovative and most fun L4D2 mod I've (probably) ever played, while still maintaining a high level of detail for construction. The pro's drastically outweigh the cons and I wholeheartedly recommend people play this at least once.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

    • Thank you for the awesome review, IMakeLevels - I genuinely appreciate you taking the time to enumerate the pros and cons. It helps immensely in steering current and upcoming projects.
      Stay awesome!

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