Adds a magnified night vision sight to the Remington R700 sniper rifle. Notes: Uses the same magnification as the original sniper scope. The scope exposure may vary depending on the HDR settings of individual maps.
Browsing 'R700' Mods
- Sniper Rifle - AN/PVS-4 Night Vision sight
End of results.
- BLR - Micro Red Dot SightN/A
Adds a fully functional red dot sight to the BLR rifle. Known issues: The dot is visible during the round cycling animation when ironsighted.
- Crowbar Replaces Metal BatN/A
The game already has two baseball bats, but a severe lack of crowbars. Download this mod to fix that problem! The crowbar used is just HL2's crowbar, retextured grey. I might change the HUD icon later, if I feel like it.
By CougarMagnum - Hud with elements from ContagionBetaN/A
Reskin for menu and HUD elements to look more like in Early Access.
By Reborn - Whiskey's Blue Ttac-Light v2.5N/A
Ver 2.5 requested by friends and users. A bit brighter with more spread.
By Vaughn Whiskey - CPC AsylumBeta N/A
Ported from Zombie Panic! Source for Contagion's Panic Classic mode. Now with sound system!!! Special thanks to the sound engineer of the development team of Contagion
By dR.Vodker - Desert Eagle Chrome VersionN/A
Adds badass chrome Desert Eagle to game :) [Replaces 1911] Enjoy! :) Gun made by me programs I used to create this: Blender, Substance Painter, GIMP
By Rami - ContingencyN/A
Contingency is a remake of the map made by Olmy from the original Zombie Panic! HL1 Mod. Game modes - Panic Classic & Panic Objective & Hunted cpc_contingency cpo_contingency ch_contingency
By Bobster - Canadian AR-15N/A
For shredding zombies politely (requested by wolffe) for future reference im going to make a canadian version of all the weapons in the game
By Mr.Demon - ce_armory3cN/A
Armory3c - Escape Map by Tabajara 7.7 'Armory3' is an extended and 'detailed' version from the original Zombie Panic: Source map : zpl_armory2. The map is based on a development are of the game where the survivors need to get out of the...
- Desert Eagle Black VersionN/A
Adds badass black Desert Eagle to game :) [Replaces 1911] Enjoy! :) Gun made by me programs I used to create this: Blender, Substance Painter, GIMP
By Rami - Realistic Lifesystems First Aid KitN/A
Realistic Lifesystems First aid kit for Contagion.
By T/5. Elliot [22nd AB EU] - First Aid Kit ReskinN/A
Re-skinned the fist aid kit, since getting randomly swiped at by corpses doesn't really hurt, the big worry is the infection, this skin indicates that it holds an experimental temporary vaccine. DISCLAIMER; I don't know if the first ai...
By Vixx - Canadian Over & UnderN/A
ITS ALL ABOOT KILLING THEM ZOMBIES THERE EH (Makes the over under red and white, and gives it a small maple leaf)
By Mr.Demon - Ak74u Purple with gold TrimN/A
I made this because i have no life ( Mlg sticker included.)
By Oblivean