CS GO`s INFERNO FOR CSS....................................
- fy_strongholds_unlimited
fy_strongholds_unlimited by X-tr3m3r This is an improved and more elaborated version of my map fy_strongholdswhich
- fy_strongholds
fy_strongholds by X-tr3m3r Objectives: Just frag the bad guys. Counter-terrorists: Guess what.. Terrorists: Routine.. HAVE FUN!!!
- fy_smoke_fight
This is the map 'fy_smoke_fight' for Counter-Strike : Source.
- fy_crazy
This is the map 'fy_crazy' for Counter-Strike Source. Go Crazy!
- fy_bunkers_cel
This is the map 'fy_bunkers_cel' for Counter-Strike Source.
- aim_texture_grounds_v3
This is an AIM version of GG_Texture_Grounds_V3. Features: - A completely symmetrical layout - Buy zones added - 32 Spawn Points - HDR Lighting - 3D Skybox - Better Bot Support Original Concept and Creation by: Jackorito
- aim_for_fun
Map made by RussianGermanEnglish ================================ This map got 35 spawns for each side. This map was made when i was offline to play with bots. The map got a custom skybox by Hazel Whorley It also got cubemaps ...
- aim_47th_v2_remix
The 'aim_47th_v2' map for Counter-Strike Source.
- Walkway_Orange
Walkway just read the cs:go version description, there the exact same but with different models and in one you run faster with a knife. I also don't care that the thumbnail is the cs:go version, exact same like I said. All credit Goes to...
- aim_47th
Download and play the custom map aim_47th.bsp for Counter-Strike!
End of results.