-Clever use of custom effects and textures
-Beautiful atmosphere
-Set in a different location other than the US
-Laborious attention to detail
-Very appealing
-Fun and challenging crescendo events
-Balanced amount of supplies and ammunition
-Not too difficult, but not too easy
-Professionally executed
-The finale was a little disappointing as it was too simple for my taste (it was easy to glitch/ take a shortcut back down to the rescue)
-Few glitches and bugs (smokers can still pull me from underground, and I can still exploit the 2nd map and travel underground).
I. Love. This. Campaign. Absolutely one of my favorite campaigns I have ever played. It has everything you'd want to see in a custom campaign. Heck, this campaign is professional enough to be an official campaign! And we didn't even have to wait very long for the final update! WELL DONE! I would love to see more work from you. :)