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Reviews by HerobrineAce
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- 广西 南宁/NanningCity V1.14
-简介 由 Nick 带领的四人小队登上了直升机,故事开始于比尔四人组在离直升机不远的地方,他们得知最后的疏散地点设在市中心广场。 -须知 此地图一共有三个部分,如果在游玩过程出现紫黑格或ERROR模型请确保你已经订阅下载好另外二个部分(PART)。 ...
- 亚利桑那州/Arizona
一时兴起做的亚利桑那州,该地图不可通关,只能在里面看风景,分为白天和夜晚版本。 The map of Arizona, which was created on a whim, cannot to play and can only be used to view the scenery. It is divided into day and night versions.
- 再见了,南宁/Goodbye,Nanning V5.4 (重置/Reset)
////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - 从心圩街来到电力学校附近的四人组决定寻找其它出路。 - 此地图一共四张,其中一张为生还者模式,因学业繁忙,本来想做到第5关的。 - 每张地图都有生还者,对抗模式。 - 此地图难度较高,请...
- City Battle / 城战
此地图仅适用于生还者模式.如果需要控制台创建地图:map city_battle 幸存者准备在这座城市抵抗到底. Only survival mode console mapping is supported:map city_battle The survivors decided to fight to the end in the city.
- 刺骨寒溪暴雨版/Cold Stream Storm Mode
If need console to create map: 如果需要控制台创建地图 c13m1_alpinecreek_storm c13m2_southpinestream_storm c13m3_memorialbridge_storm c13m4_cutthroatcreek_storm This series is over 这个系列结束了
- 血腥收获暴雨版/Blood Harvest Storm Mode
如果需要控制台建图 If need console create the map c12m1_hilltop_storm c12m2_traintunnel_storm c12m3_bridge_storm c12m4_barn_storm c12m5_cornfield_storm
- 静寂时分暴雨版/Dead Air Storm Mode
- If you need a console to create a map: - 如果需要控制台创建地图 c11m1_greenhouse_storm c11m2_offices_storm c11m3_garage_storm c11m4_terminal_storm c11m5_runway_storm
- 死亡丧钟暴雨版/DeathTollStormMode
如果需要控制台建图/Map Code c10m1_caves_storm c10m2_drainage_storm c10m3_ranchhouse_storm c10m4_mainstreet_storm c10m5_houseboat_storm
- 死亡中心暴雨版/Dead Center Storm Mode
--- Modified the four chapters of the Dead Center to the hard rain scene, and the mall began to flood... --- Supports campaign, versus, survival, scavenge, mutation mode. --- If you need to create a map from the console: c1m1...
- 毫不留情暴雨版/No Mercy Storm mode
If you need a console to create a map: c8m1_apartment_storm c8m2_subway_storm c8m3_sewers_storm c8m4_interior_storm c8m5_rooftop_storm
--- It took about two days to adjust the map. --- After entering the map, the rainstorm will appear periodically, just like the HARD RAIN chapter. --- Support modes: campaign, realistic, versus, survival and mutation mode. --- I...
- 牺牲暴雨版/Sacrifice Storm mode
--- The three maps of "Sacrifice" have seen periodic rainstorms --- If you want to create a map using the console: c7m1_docks_storm c7m2_barge_storm c7m3_port_storm Bill,I wish you a good journey! ---“牺牲”的三张地图都有周...
- 坠机险途暴雨版/Crash Course Storm Mode
Periodic rainstorms will come on the way of Crash Course 周期性暴雨将在坠机险途来临 c9m1_alleys_storm c9m2_lots_storm
- 沼泽激战暴雨版/SwampFever Storm Mode
--- Periodic rainstorms will come in the swamp --- If you need to build a drawing of the console c3m1_plankcountry_storm c3m2_swamp_storm c3m3_shantytown_storm c3m4_plantation_storm ---沼泽地会有周期性的暴雨 ---如果需要控制台进入...
- 教区暴雨版/The Parish Storm Mode
--- It took three days to complete the modification, the rainstorm will appear periodically, and some lights were added on the roadside for lighting. --- If necessary, create a map from the console: c5m1_waterfront_storm c5m2_park_sto...
- 狂欢节暴雨版/Dark Carnival Storm Mode
--- Change the map of Dark Carnival to Rainstorm weather, and Rainstorms will occur periodically --- If you need to create a map using the console: c2m1_highway_storm c2m2_fairgrounds_storm c2m3_coaster_storm c2m4_barns_...
End of results.