广西 南宁/NanningCity V1.15.1

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  • hhh_tripleh

    Posted this review


    Nothing Special

    Very bad optimization, alot FPS drop. 

    This review was posted before the latest release.

Developers & Credits

  • PastiaKnowledge

    Collect some materials

  • Aiden

    provides detailed suggestions

  • HerobrineAce


File Details

guangxinanning v1...

(562.4 MB)

View Changelog

Version 1.15.1 Final

HerobrineAce : Trending

广西 南宁/NanningCity V1.15.1
  1. 广西 南宁/NanningCity V1.15.1
  2. 再见了,南宁/Goodbye,Nanning V5.4 (重置/Reset)
  3. 死亡中心暴雨版/Dead Center Storm Mode
  4. 南宁市-西乡塘区-心圩街 NanningCity 1.6
  5. 血腥收获暴雨版/Blood Harvest Storm Mode
  6. 静寂时分-前传/DeadAir-Prequel V1.1 (重置版)
  7. 亚利桑那州/Arizona
  8. 静寂时分-前传/DeadAir-Prequel V1.0 (重置版)
  9. City Battle / 城战
  10. 毫不留情暴雨版/No Mercy Storm mode

maps : Trending

Vox Aeterna
  1. Vox Aeterna
  2. Resident Evil 3
  3. 广西 南宁/NanningCity V1.15.1
  4. PAYDAY2: Undead War
  5. 《HOME TOWN》Custom Weapon
  6. Demomania 3 [v2.5 Update]
  7. The Betrayal
  8. Dam It Complete
  9. Cambalache 2 - Total Remake
  10. Deathcraft II

maps : New & Popular

广西 南宁/NanningCity V1.15.1
  1. 广西 南宁/NanningCity V1.15.1
  2. Demomania 3 [v2.5 Update]
  3. The Arrival
  4. The Betrayal
  5. Cambalache 2 - Total Remake
  6. Dead Fall 2: the complete editon(死亡陨落2正式版)
  7. Resident Evil 3
  8. hehe30
  9. Silent Hill: Otherside of Life - Fixed
  10. 死亡陨落∶前传(Dead Fall: before)
