Game Maps
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Received 57 Awards. See Awards

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Reviews by serjik979

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    Such radial menu much better, than we was allowed to have default and looks pleasantly


    For them here no was free place


    It is such amazing thing, that enough to try once, and thereafter you can not give it up

Published Items

  • Guide
    How get rollermine

    Little tricks There is nothing complicated about it, there are things that are more difficult to do so that they work correctly. You can take and carry with you through a lot of cards the very one that we find on the plot on the second b...

  • Guide
    How fully remove fall damage

    Why damage is caused after a fall As you know, when jumping from a high place, but one that is located much lower, the player takes damage and the amount of health is reduced. If the height is too much, then as a result the character may...


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