This is a rat size interactive map with a lot of custom content. You will be riding a skateboard, play the piano, play the drums, get hit in the ass by a huge chicken, dance in the disco, listen to some music, play in normal and low grav...
Browsing 'Arctic / Winter' Maps
- KF-GrooveYard
End of results.
- [Mutator] MaLegs - First person legsBeta N/A
Now you can be free from the suffering existence of just being a pair of floating arms, now you can be a pair of floating arms and legs! (with not much in the way of a torso, shhh) (I always liked having legs in fps games so I wanted to ...
By Tomoko - [FIXED]Colorful Camouflage Weapon Skin PackN/A
It is client side, works on online servers, i tested all of them and they don't crash. First and Third person works online, you don't have to worry about your perks getting reset, i made screenshots for every single skin and placed them ...
- [FIXED] Camouflage AA-12 Weapon Skin PackN/A
It is client side, works on online servers, i tested all of them and they don't crash. First and Third person works online, you don't have to worry about your perks getting reset, i made screenshots for every single skin and placed them ...
- Pepsiman ScrakeN/A
After playing KF2 for some time, I have come to the ultimate conclusion regarding its greatest weakness: Not enough Pepsi. Hence, I decided to rectify this problem with the first-ever client-side KF2 specimen texture by creating a custo...
By Revenant100 - Deadbot AA-12 Digital CamoN/A
This is a custom skin for Killing Floor 2 that replaces the original AA-12 skin to a Digital Camo.
By Deadbot - KF_cube_2N/A
Original author by UltraKill[CL] I make a little change of the map Changed zombie spawns (No spawns on 2 Floor) Changed ammo Box position
- The Summer Sideshow menu trackN/A
This mod are replacing default track (Pandemic) on Track from The Summer Sideshow event(Steps Right Up) Put the file here: killingfloor2\KFGame\BrewedPC\WwiseAudio\Windows
- KF1-Style Scrake SkinN/A
I felt that the current Scrake skin was visually drab, looking rather flat among his specimen brethren and especially in comparison to his KF1 predecessor. Hence, I have made a reskin that modifies the KF2 Scrake's color scheme to match ...
By Revenant100 - KF-MazeDefence (Version 01)N/A
This map is a Maze Defence map that has multiple Zed Spawn points around the edges of the map. If you find any issues with the map, please let me know :) Thank you and Enjoy!
- Overwatch CapN/A
A retexture of the "HorzineBlue Cap", to look like Blizzard's official Overwatch cap. Installation: Unzip the "Published" folder, to your [Documents\My Games\KillingFloor2\KFGame] folder, and play. Sorry for the rubbish screenshots...
- Abandon V3 for Hans VolterN/A
This mod replacing Hans Volter fight track with Abandon V3 from KF Put the file here: killingfloor2\KFGame\BrewedPC\WwiseAudio\Windows
- KF-GrooveYardN/A
This is a rat size interactive map with a lot of custom content. You will be riding a skateboard, play the piano, play the drums, get hit in the ass by a huge chicken, dance in the disco, listen to some music, play in normal and low grav...
- Kraken AA12 ReskinN/A
Thank you Falzar, for releasing the compiling guide. I started toying around with that and some of the KF2 weapon code, just getting to know my way around UE3 since I'm not too used to it. I don't exactly have a proper arm rig or anythin...
By NoirSuccubus - Resident Evil MusicN/A
Unfortunately, I do not have a list of songs, but I do have a video to showcases the mod which is shown above. To install, you just need to extract the .zip into SteamApps\common\killingfloor2 and say yes to overwrite the files. To uni...