ConfinementZ V0.1 Small garage with a hidden lab.
- ConfinementZBeta
- KF-GrooveYard
This is a rat size interactive map with a lot of custom content. You will be riding a skateboard, play the piano, play the drums, get hit in the ass by a huge chicken, dance in the disco, listen to some music, play in normal and low grav...
- KF-MazeDefence (Version 01)
This map is a Maze Defence map that has multiple Zed Spawn points around the edges of the map. If you find any issues with the map, please let me know :) Thank you and Enjoy!
- KF-BioticsLobby(Version 02)
This is my first attempt at a Killing Floor 2 map, I have only just started to learn how to use UDK and have been enjoying the learning experience. I have updated the map a lot since Version 01 and also added a story/theme to the map th...
- KF_cube_2
Original author by UltraKill[CL] I make a little change of the map Changed zombie spawns (No spawns on 2 Floor) Changed ammo Box position
End of results.