Remake of the classic mansion on CS 1.5
Browsing 'North America' Maps
- Mansion LimeBeta
End of results.
- Dust 2 Control [CP Example]N/A
- Control more points than the other team at the end of the round to win. - Own all control points to cut off the other team's spawn. - Gain health and cash by standing on control points.
By CS:GO Official - CS_Lockdown_Hotrap (CS:GO version)N/A
I present to you the map "cs_lockdown_hotrap" for "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive". This map is created on the basis of map from "Half-Life 2: Deathmatch". I removed the nonworking elements and made a playable map for "CS: GO" & "CS: S...
- AR_RuctionsBeta N/A
New aztec spin on an old favourite. Similar to fy_snow but much more mental and crazy. Many a ruction to be seen. Intended for some fun using bots in offline mode. Provided some good laughs for me and some friends due to the mental pace...
- PAYDAY 2 Soundmod (CS:GO)N/A
Sound effects taken from PAYDAY 2 have undergone a minor upgrade courtesy of the semi-talented staff at Riviera Software. All weapon firing sounds are changed to sounds mixed originating from PAYDAY 2 and mixed with extra LFE and atmosp...
- de_supplyBeta N/A
(To get the most 'up-to-date' version, you should go on the steam workshop and search for de_supply and download it from there! I might forget about this site, so it probably won't have the latest updates ;) ! Heya folks, Insanity here!...
- District 9N/A
A medium map set in an environment of my favorite movie called "district9" I know this map might not look like it at all , but I don't really care though. Close range to mid ranged fights all over the map. I used the "prawn" language to...
- aim_map_nightN/A
Gamebanana: /maps/185654 Night aim map for CS:GO. 6.05.2015 - v. 1.0 (stable, used Phong shading with "LightmappedGeneric" shader from CS:GO update, recompiled models from Valve to change materials for more beauty) 31.05.2015 - v. 2.0 ...
By Mamorex - de_himeji_castleN/A
de_himeji_castle is a map created by me for the GameBanana 'Famous Landmarks' contest. I choose this castle based on high demand for asian themes by many people (not only on GameBanana but also outside of the contest) and therefor I deci...
- cs_towaway_zone_b1Beta N/A
BETA 1 version of hostage rescue map in urban setting - parking lot facility (reloaded due to nav and other files not embedding in pak) 64 player spawns - Multiple routes into / out of the building, hostages spawn randomly somewhere on t...