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Reviews for The Woods 2

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    • trojan_exe

      Posted this review


      Лес, полный зомби

      Вторая часть кампании "The Woods" вышла куда прикольнее и интереснее первой.
      + лодка в начале, намекает на связь с первой кампанией;
      + ништяки, в виде бомб, таблеток и тд, лежат не на виду, а в закутках, что заставляет исследовать карту;
      + патронов всегда в достатке;
      + неплохая навигация ботов;
      + боты в концовке сами бегут к спасательному транспорту, показывая игроку дорогу;
      + карта довольно сложная, что не позволяет расслабиться и заскучать.
      - однообразные карты, практически ничем не различающиеся;
      - тоннели на первой главе;
      - Т2 оружие появляется лишь на третьей (!) главе;
      - нет финального ролика, а спасательный грузовик не приезжает, а стоит на месте уже с самого начала (хотя я узнал это уже только из обзоров других игроков);
      Средняя по красоте карт кампания, мелких деталей маловато. Не ждите лёгкой прогулки, орды очень многочисленные, но тем веселее. Прошёл с ботами на "Мастере" за 40 минут.

      Edited: 5 months ago

    • Tsuzuko

      Posted this review



      Custom Poster
      Really reliable bots
      Nice dispersal of weaps and ammo outside of map 1
      Nice difficulty
      Nice scenery - More varied than The Woods 1
      Liked the map with cemetery 
      No glitches
      Good Length


      Several dead ends
      Most of the maps look the same
      Why are there so many buses, cars and buildings in the middle of the woods?
      Really need at least one ammo spot on map 1
      Have to wait until the third map to get second pistol
      Hordes were triggered all the time for seemingly no reason.
      One of the tanks is in a bad spot off of the bridge. It gives you no real room to run away from it while you're trying to kill it and it easily corners you.
      No message on radio
      No ending cutscene, plus the truck was already there when you get there, so I don't understand why they couldn't have just driven away. 


      I'd say this is superior to The Woods 1. It's a fun 'forest highway' campaign that doesn't take long to complete. The finale may be disappointing, but this was also mirrored in the boat finale of The Woods 1. 
    • AmpliDUDE

      Posted this review



      ---- In general ----
      + Huge environments.
      + Floor and wayside textures were detailed.
      + Many horde events to avoid blandness.
      + Finale was actually pretty easy.
      + Campaign difficulty shouldn't get underestimated.
      + Good amount of ammo stacks.
      + Worth a try, no doubt.


      ---- Map 1 ----
      - Hunter near saferoom caused me death, because of AI waiting inside of it.
      ---- Map 2 ----
      - Very short compared to map 1.
      ---- Finale ----
      - AI had some problems shooting upcoming enemies.
      - Truck was already awaiting is during the whole finale.
      ---- In general ----
      - AI navigation issues, just sometimes at least.
      - Time-wise bland gameplay although of crescendo events.
      - Very quiet survivors during the whole campaign.


      I truely loved the environments. Wood settings are partly very suitable for a zombie apocalypse. But for a story like this, the survivors were just too quiet, and also the fear-feeling one should have was just missing. One thing I noticed in opposite to your first version are the textures. They were had a higher resolution which provided a more realistic design. Worth a try!
    • narracott

      Posted this review



      Love the events
      Definently bright that's a plus
      Loads of fun


      Lack of ammo in some areas


      Love this campaign it's fun, well made, the ending is easy but still the campaign is fun!
    • Andrija

      Posted this review



      -A lengthy campaign in the woods.
      -Good woods design.
      -Simple and fun
      -Ammo cache locations are well-placed.
      -Some improvement from original "the woods "


      -Finale is really disappointing..the truck is already there and all you have to do is stand and wait on top of it.
      -After all survivors made it to the end, you will all be shown in another safe room for a second.
      -No cutscene for finale.
      -Bus..why are there so many bus in the middle of the woods?
      -The AI of bots are really pains in the ass. They trend to fall behind for about 20-30 metres, and several times they stop shooting in the face of hordes and the tank. Sometimes they refuse to help teammates at risk(Being dragged 15-20 metres from them and being slowly killed without a single shot coming from ANY of the bots)
      -The sewer is very unpolished.


      Worth a try.
    • creptor

      Posted this review



      Very fun
      Good amount of witches
      No Glitches
      Large hordes
      I love the boat crash


      Sewer system is a nightmare
      Too many tanks  (I counted at least 7)
      Where did the buses come from
      Levels are too short (more my opinion)


      Still very fun, but i think i had more fun in the first woods. I recommend it. I hope you will make a 3rd Woods 
    • Alblaka

      Posted this review



      -The woods are in most cases well designed and good-looking
      -I couldn't find any botglitches so far


      -The names on the loading screen are missplaced.
      -The small pics of the levels (in the TAB menu) are just mere screenshots... come on, you can do better
      -No intro music
      -The background/border tree texture looks flat and is just to much visible in most places
      -5 Maps in the woods... even with some things like church or tunnel it still gets boring-repetitive really fast.
      -No problem with the random panics itself, but don't use the casual "xyz activated the horde" (playing german version, don't know the exact english translation) warning, it just doesn't fit.
      -The tunnels on level 1 are an epic nightmare... They're plain, boring and the smaller tunnels are bugged like an ant hill... You get stucked kinda always (besides you move crouched), the zombies are invulnerable to punchs in there...
      -Also, spawning 100 zombies next to a player isn't that much of a fun (even less with the thing mentioned above)


      No. May some people love woods maps, fine, but i wouldn't recommend this as a casual good custom campaign.
      Exspecially not after the mapping-desaster on the first level...
      Let's say 45.
    • Drewisgreat

      Posted this review



      -A huge improvement from the first woods!
      -Challenging (the Tanks got us a few times)
      -Liked the crashed boat at the beginning


      -Finale was really disappointing
      -Unlike the first "Woods" most of the scenery seems out of place...why are there 30 buses in the middle of nowhere??  


      Better then the first "woods" and was still fun to play.
    • redrewx

      Posted this review



      Lots of zombies as advertised
      Very Fun
      Stable (No Glitches)
      Random panic events


      No creshendo events
      Radio is difficult to find in finale (its directly in between the two trucks)
      A few annoying invisible walls


      Would recommend to download.
    • deliver0x0

      Posted this review



      - well designed woods
      - good spots for smokers/ hunters
      - random hordes
      - alot open areas


      The final is too easy, the resceu vehicle is already there
      just hide on the fence and u won't take much dmg.
      - should be more challange
      - easy final


      i enjoyed playing this map, much open areas, much good spots
      for smokers and hunters.
      i rate this campaign a 73 out of 100

End of results.