- L4D2 Dark Carnival Tank Theme (view description)
Aren't you convinced by the normal tank song? Here I bring you a mod that replaces them with the metal versions of the Dark Carnival campaign, enjoy Demonstration: https://youtu.be/wzP9YsQdmxo?si=dEQvOnbeNqVlDX1P
- Skin on your teeth L4D2 version
Este mod cambia la cancion del escape por la del L4D2, este es mi primer mod que hago!
- L4D1 Beta Shove SFX
L4D1 Shove SFX my first mod on gamemaps
- Sades's Weapon Sounds
Credits to adasdasd for his warmer weapon sounds mod! this combinds the Counter-Strike: 2 Weapon Sounds with the warmer weapon sounds mod by adasdasd, Enjoy! adasdasd - Warmer Weapon Sounds Valve - Counter-Strike: 2 Weapon Sounds
- Be my Sacrifice Files
First of all, I have no intention of stealing or claiming anyone else's work. All credits and my personal thanks go to the authors of the original addons. The main purpose of this addon is to provide server owners and their players wi...
- Turtle Rock Studio's BETA Zombie Choir (RESTORED)
woah gamemaps, really branching out to the best places huh anyways i'm not gonna say much here, just a pretty clean isolation of the 07/08 beta zombie choir sound.
- PVZ (common infected)
mod that replaces common zombies with PVZ Modern warfare zombies Great mod includes satisfying sounds all respective credits to the creator SoraNezumi PVZ ZOMBIES!!!! PVZ ZOMBIES!!!! PVZ ZOMBIES!!!! PVZ ZOMBIES!!!! PVZ ZOMBIES!!...
- DEAD TRIGGER (common infected)
Incredible mod that replaces the common infected brought thanks to the great creator ฿ØⱠ₮Ø₭¹⁷³ึ all credits to him. I will never be nor believe I am the owner of this mod Thank you all very much and let's keep this great left 4 de...
- Zoey's Voice for Hunter
This is my first mod & I replaced all sounds with Zoey. Yep. All of the sounds. I tried my best to make this mod. All I need is some appreciation. Use the following command or commands to fix glitchy sounds snd_rebuildaudiocache (...
- COD6 M4A1的枪声音效 / COD6 The gunshot sound ef...
中文简介 这是COD6的M4A1枪声音效,替换M16开火的声音。 English introduction This is the M4A1 gunshot sound effect of COD6, replacing the sound of M16 firing.
- Codename CURE - Main Menu Theme Replacement
I do NOT own those images about it Images: 1. Military Metal Texture from Adobe Stock 2. Codename CURE Logo from SteamGridDB Apps I use: ibisPaint X L4D2 Port Link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3...
- The Space in Between (Dead Errant Soul Remix) S...
Replaces the saferoom music with the music used in the intro of the fan film "Airsoft GI - Left 4 Dead - Impulse 76" [Note: Doesn't include the music for The Sacrifice because I couldn't get it to work :(]
- Superflow's mixed silenced weapon sound pack
^^^^all hail borderline^^^^
- The Chopper Pilot Fixer
More updates in the near future Make sure to do this on a local server. Also, this is my first mod :D
- Bootleg Russian Genesis Ost - Game Over And Con...
"This is what happeneds when you press 'no'" -Claix W.
- Pistol Sound T-1000
This is the mod 'Pistol Sound T-1000' for Left 4 Dead. Download Sound +Berettas Google Drive >>DOWNLOAD<< Berretas mod By inf_cheese/Jack.Cedric >>Mod Link<< Sound taked from this guy >>Youtube<< //////////////////////////////////...
- [Tank music] Welcome Reality
This is the mod '[Tank music] Welcome Reality' for Left 4 Dead.
- [Tank music] The Twins
This is the mod '[Tank music] The Twins' for Left 4 Dead.
- [Tank music] M4D-5 Theme
This is the mod '[Tank music] M4D-5 Theme' for Left 4 Dead.
- [Tank music] Electronica IM02
This is the mod '[Tank music] Electronica IM02' for Left 4 Dead.
- [Tank music] Colossus BEA-D
This is the mod '[Tank music] Colossus BEA-D' for Left 4 Dead.
- [Tank music] BEA-D Theme
This is the mod '[Tank music] BEA-D Theme' for Left 4 Dead.
- AK47 Machine Light
ported mod for l4d1 mod texture made by: 阿伟 model made by :emanbees enjoy the mod
- Improvised Explosive Device (In-Game Mix) - Pos...
"This song is getting HARD!" -Claix W. Credits: Running With Scissors - Original Wallpaper Artwork Sean Terry - Original Music Claix W. Replacing over the Tank Music Download L4D2 Version: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfile...