Reviews for Dead Flag Blues
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Неработающий блюз
Средненькая по текстурам кампания, с очень тёмными картами и неработающим ивентом на третьей главе. НЕ работает, потому что фургон стоит на месте и не выбивает ворота! Оцениваю по трём главам, так как, из-за описанной выше проблемы, пройти не смог. ПЛЮСЫ: + местами не плохие дизайнерские решения; + навигация ботов порадовала; + в начале интересное вступление. МИНУСЫ: - очень тёмные карты, хоть глаз выколи; - вместо привычных экранов со статистикой между главами, тут почему-то загрузочные экнаны (первый раз такое вижу); - при выборе главы в лобби, у карт отсутствуют картинки; - неадекватно сложный ивент с танком под волну в маленькой комнатке; - третья глава слишком однообразная по текстурам; - на всех главах постоянно заканчиваются патроны, особенно на третьей; - Т2 оружие только в конце третьей (!) главы; - нет комнаток с респами; - ну и наконец, самый главный минус, из-за которого, нет возможности пройти игру честным способом - не работающий ивент с фургоном на третьей главе! Кампания могла бы быть не плохой, но в ней слишком много багов, самым главным из которых, является сломанный ивент. К огромному сожалению, вынужден поставить только 3 балла (ну или 30 баллов по нынешней системе).
Edited: April 2024
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---- In general ---- + Nice intro. + Good use of lighting and contrast. + Good Placement for items. + Exit door event in map 3 was quite a surprise. + Stadium had a very nice design as well. + Campaign difficulty was pending between easy and medium. + Forest designs were quite nice as well.
---- Map 1 ---- - Some fences were blocking oncoming hordes. - Infected got stuck behind fireplugs. - Many places were really too dark, even with flashlight I hardly saw anything. ---- Map 2 ---- - Not enough ammo stacks. - Library needs more throwables as well. ---- Map 3 ---- - Arena van didn't move at all. - AI went straight through the steel door that was meant to hide a saferoom. - Opening the Exit door somehow forces AI to run upstairs. - AI wasn't able to walk on the sideways of the sewer system. ---- Map 4 ---- - Error sign inside a blown up truck, underneath a bridge. - Map 4 was very short compared to the other maps. ---- Finale ---- - Train arrival needs more work: Tank got on the train. ---- In general ---- - AI navigation issues. - Not enough throwables for a campaign as long as this one. - Statistics\credits didn't work.. - Many areas were simplified too dark to coordinate correctly.
This campaign isn't bad at all, no doubt, but there are also many things that need a fix. I'll start with the darkness. Please simply add more lighting into map 1 - 3. It was really hard in some horde events to fight them. Also the AI navigation needs work. They sometimes didn't follow me or just teleported themselves to my position. Please also add more throwables to all maps, especially map 2, inside the library. As many people complained, the van that is meant to burst down the stadium doors didn't move like it was supposed to. I just skipped this map and began in map 4. Honestly this was quite a big problem. The second and actually last big problem was the train arrival. Tanks just climbed up the train, so we first had to kill it, before we could get aboard the train safely. Statistics didn't work, quite a pitty as well. But sill, I think this campaign has potential.
A few years later.. Just wanted to say thank you for putting the time into reviewing this campaign. I agree with everything. If I had the time I would definitely make the maps brighter and fix all the problems. Thanks!
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-Unique -A lot of space to explore certian areas. - A varitey of terrains provides nice exploration. - Easy on harder difficulties. - Nice variety of short and long chapters. - Creepy realistic atmosphere.
-Bot navigation was a real problem in this one. Constant teleporting and setting off car alarms. -It is so dark, I got lost 3 times outside the saferoom in the first chapter. - I started the van, but it didn't let me push it. The van doesn't work. I tried everything, even blowing it up. It was a nice idea, but you should have tested it before putting it in. - I got killed by the train (not the rescure train) on the last chapter. - I think it's either the first or second chapter, there's a gap in the fence at one point that shouldn't be there. I ended up going to the edge of the map. - There was almost no Witches or Tanks. - I'm not sure if it was the map's fault, but Fraps didn't let me record my playthrough of it. I've tried a few times, but it's just your map that Fraps doesn't work with.
It's a well made campaign, and it has a lot of custom stuff in it. The deisgner needs to do some MAJOR patching, but overall it was a nice playthrough.
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Great atmosphere Almost feels official The darkness!
A few bugs
Not much to add except that this is a unique campaign. It's so dark, but fully playable. You seem aware of the existing bugs so hopefully those get cleaned up. I hope you can work on another campaign down the road as this one is quite enjoyable. A few fixes and it could be perfect. Great job.
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-For the most part, the level design is quite good. -Hordes are challenging but not too common. -Special infected are a real pain in the dark. Yeah, about that darkness.......
-Too dark. -Too dark. -Too dark. -Too dark. -Too dark. -Too dark. -Too dark. -Some questionable design choices on events. -Level design can be awkward in some areas, though this is fairly uncommon. -Tanks?
A potentially great campaign marred by the absolute worst lightning you will ever encounter. 80-85% of the map area is pitch black, and the rest is not much lighter. This leaves you relying on your little flashlight to see *anything*, which lasts pretty much the whole campaign. The fundamental premise of the campaign is its most grave flaw; I understand the author was trying to go for a more survival horror sort of approach, but this approach fails for a few reasons: 1. Left4Dead is not a survival horror game; it is an action game. Resident Evil 2 is a survival horror game. Go play it, and see how the two games differ greatly. 2.The campaign seems to want you to move more slowly and carefully amidst the darkness. But, moving slowly through the darkness is going to cause hordes to spawn on you. In the darkness, hordes are a true pain to fight..especially on expert. 3. Basically, refer back to 1. All of Left4Dead's game mechanics rise from it being an action game. This campaign begs you to take a slower approach, which is frustrated by the dark, dark, *dark* lightning. It's hard to be careful when being careful spawns hordes that you can barely see. I never saw tanks in the maps, aside from a scripted one as part of an event on map 3. This event was a *highly* questionable design choice because you have to push a button and open a door to activate the event, and the tank bursts through the door immediately, right on top of you - and did I mention you're stuck in a narrow corridor, and the way you came from is sealed so you can't go back? Good luck managing it on expert. This is what made me throw down on my first try. Also - the speeding car part was neat, but that should have been an event. It made a roaring noise when it crashed, but the commons just stood around. Missed opportunity for a neat, unique event there. The map design itself, however, is really very good. It's just too bad you don't really get to appreciate any of the details because you can't *see* any of them due to the darkness. The darkness just kills this campaign, and it's nonsensical too - especially outside. The moon gives off moonlight too, you know. This campaign would be a 90 if it were a bit brighter.
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Nice and good looking maps. Very creative and not just copies.
Too dark in too many places even with the flashlight. I only reach through a door in an arena that could not open although the bots were able to get inside even if the steel door is closed.
Overall, the map is very good. Except for the mention Cons. The issue for me is the big steel door in the arena and not the van.
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opening narrative some creative areas, ex: bridge in map 1 the tank that came when i closed the blast door thing scared me a lot! a few creative ideas custom voice acting thats believable! thank the lord!!
way WAY to dark in many parts the whole campaign was on the easy side nothing that really made it memorable
Pretty good all in all, lighting issues should be addressed and its too bad the van didn't work for me since it seemed like it would be cool (i did watch the video though), i had to noclip through the wall which really ruined the momentum of the campaign. the bots did surprisingly well through all the jumps and climbing in the first map.Unfortunately like i said there isn't really anything that makes this campaign stand out among the other ones in my maps list but it did provide a solid experience that was good if you want a more "traditional" l4d game. lastly why no credits??
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No credits
Awesome campaign. Really awesome. Well done. I would give 100/100, but... we wanted to see the credits! And that's REALLY IMPORTANT. We finished it in EXPERT, 0 restarts, and that can't be seen at the end. Michael "Juxtapox": THANK YOU VERY MUCH. We really enjoyed it. Hope you make more like this in the future. We've uploaded you the full campaign to youtube: /watch?v=gxeo3YXQTlI . Hope you enjoy it, like we enjoyed this wonderful campaign. And, there's NO PROBLEM with the van AT ALL... You should not play this GREAT GAME with bots... you're KILLING THE GAME! That's all. Thank you very much, again.
Zillow P. Willow
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Good design Intro was interesting Not to easy
Very Dark, Not enough spots to camp in the finale. Couldn't see far even with the flashlight
I recommend playing this map if you like the dark. It's quite challenging at one point. Fun to play, you should play with friends or others, playing alone can be very boring. -Well done, could be lighter. It was fun to play. I give it a 75.
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Atmospheric Good level design
Very dark, can't even see more than 6 metres with the use of flashlight. Sniper rifle become totally useless in utter darkness. AI have bugs(get struck in wall, pass though walls) The van on the third level doesn't MOVE at all in singleplayer.
The campaign needs improvement.
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The map was nice and I love the concept. I also like the finale because of the voice from the radio. It was not like the other custom maps where they use the same boring voice from the original campaigns. Well, I also love the intro where you put some news clippings and there's a narration about the infection.
There are two things that I don't like in this campaign. The first one is that in the map where you need to start a van, I started it but nothing happened. It just started and the horde showed up and then that's all. I can hear the van's engine but it's not moving. I ended up using noclip to enter the saferoom. The next thing is that after you ride the train in the finale. Everything just slowly turned black. There was no credits. I want to see the credits...
All in all, the game was great. Those that I have written in the cons section just had a little effect on the game but all in all the game was great and I will give it a two thumbs up!
End of results.
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Pretty well challenging but lots of minor bugs