Reviews for City 17

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    • trojan_exe

      Posted this review


      Неиграбельный город

      Абсолютно ужасный (в плохом смысле) порт карты из HL2 в мир лефта. 
      - непроходимый ивент в начале второй главы, на котором танк, ведьма и непрекращающаяся волна, при этом у нас только Т1 оружие. Кое как прошёл этот ивент с хрен знает какого раза, как чуть дальше надо вылезти по лестнице из люка, и там сидит ведьма. Боты, естественно застряли на этой лестнице, а ведьма меня сожрала. Перепроходить этот ублюдский ивент, у меня уже не хватило терпения;
      - в общем, попытался ещё раз пройти эту сраную карту, кое как с хрен знает какой попытки прошёл этот ублюдский ивент, даже убил ведьму на выходе из люка, а дальше был не менее ублюдский ивент с лифтом. Причём, на этих ивентах зачастую дают ещё и танка.
      Ужасное неиграбельная карта. Автор и в помине не слышал такого слова, как баланс.

      Edited: April 2024

    • ToughSun14

      Posted this review


      Great campaign!

      I really enjoyed this campaign! It perfectly blends Half Life 2: Episode One into the Left 4 Dead universe, and I love it for that!
    • SauROnmiKE

      Posted this review


      Mediocre at best

      ** PROS **
      1) Great environment.
      2) Love playing at any time other that night.
      3) Good amount of supplies.
      4) Long campaign.
      ** CONS **
      1) AI navigation was at most times buggy and horrible.
      2) Last level's turret is pretty much useless.
      3) Last level can be designed much better.
      4) The start of the second level is an overkill for no reason at all.
      Overall Grade: C
      It's a fun campaign, but not a balanced one. It's either too easy, or too hard, black and white, not something between (applies for both co-op and solo). I hate it when maps don't have good AI movement, but I guess that's Valve's responsibility as well, as in my opinion, L4D's AI is horrible in general. Good map, needs improvements.
    • HandsomeMango

      Posted this review



      Right, great campaign. Completed it on single player, 57 minutes (I took breaks),
      Map is straight forward, I always knew where to go. I like that in a map. Bot seemed to know where to go, didn't have a lot of problems with bot navigation, I did, however, encounter a lot of witches that was in my way, which didn't end well for me since I can't really "cr0wn" a witch, still a work in progress.
      It's great that you gave the survivors I nice play to hold out in the end. Elevated ground, minigun, ammo, a bit overkill, but still.
      My only complaint is in the fourth chapter when you're in the apartments that are on fire. My vision went straight blurry. I know it's to simulate the smoke, but I felt the smoke was too dense, I could hardly see anything.
      All and all, great campaign, gave me some good memories. 11/10 would play again - IGN
      P.S not really IGN
      P.P.S if you're from IGN and you're reading this, please don't sue me.
    • thehumantumor

      Posted this review



      Well detailed textures and graphics
      Crescendo events are exciting
      Weather effects
      Creepy on some areas
      Nice story


      It would be great if those Half Life zombies were alive and attack you.


      Overall the campaign is great.
      One of my favorites maps I have played.
      Great work!
    • thefiery100

      Posted this review



      Very Nice design of the map's structure
      Great Levels
      Fun to play (especially in versus mode against others)
      A lot of creativity and hard work along with detail
      Great scenarios 


      Zombie spawning is currently unbalanced
      Mediocre Finale. I was expecting it to be more exciting
      A lot of bugs were spotted


      This map is just so spontaneous. I really enjoyed playing the map. Even though I encountered all cons in physical and mental action, this map is amazing. First, the city and landmarks within the urban area are well designed. Second, the scenarios were just purifying. Although, I did spot a few bugs and the zombie spawning was a bit too much, this map is a must-download-and-play for everyone who has the chance to. I love the map and look to see more improvement in the future. Good Luck!
    • trowzerkoff

      Posted this review



      Decent length with plenty of detail.
      Stiff combat.
      Easy navigation once you get your bearings.
      It's for the ORIGINAL L4D!!!
      Captures the spirit of the original game.
      Easy to download and extract - plug n' play maximo.
      Exciting Finale.
      Bots are excellent on Single Player.


      None that I can think of.


      An enjoyable and edge-of-the-seat adrenaline ride.  You would be a fool not to include this campaign in your library.
    • aronz21

      Posted this review



      long campaign
      nice map




      good but many boomer and smoker appear at the top of buildings so it's hard to detect them ( but i still can hear them )
    • L4D-Pro

      Posted this review



      -Really long campaign, up to more than an hour of calm gameplay.
      -Very good Half Life 2 concept.
      -Mixes very well with Left 4 Dead.


      -At the underground parking, there are too many infected that spawn at the panic event, thus making it very difficult for some players, not for me, but for some others.
      -Too many Tanks spawn at the finale. One is enough.


      This is one of the best campaigns I have ever played. I love it and I'm sure everyone else does love it as well! If only there were a sequel.
    • mcpig237

      Posted this review



      Fairly long.
      Plenty of zombies.
      Custom music.
      Fair amounts of ammo and weaponry.
      Fun, fast paced finale.
      Combine soldier ragdoll near finale was really good.


      Nothing comes to mind.


      An amazing rendition of City-17 for Left 4 Dead, very well made with plenty of rooms, corridors, and alleys to explore, and it's based off of a location in Half-Life, so what's not to love? 
    • gamebro512

      Posted this review



      Half Life 2 episode 1
      Music form the game and trailer
      Half Life zombies (but just stand still and attr=ack if you're in front of them)
      Practically a perfect port of a couple of maps to L4D
      Has a Gauntlet crescendo (which is in L4D2) 




      It's fun to play L4D in a Half Life world. Full of zombies, but no Gordan Freeman here.
    • XxEzem@$terxX

      Posted this review



      Long campaign (+4)
      Half-Life in L4D <3 (+5)
      Daytime (+1)




      Awesome campaign :D
      Recomended a lot
      Half-Life is awesome L4D!
    • Moi45000

      Posted this review



      - Long Campaign ( ~ 1 hour )
      - 5 differents levels
      - Good Level Design & Textures
      - Big Areas
      - Nice in Coop
      - Funny run at the beginning of Level 2
      - Very good music & atmosphere in the Hospital
      - Good Finale ( but Easy )
      - Many Supplies
      - All Weapons, Thrown Weapons ...
      - Many Zombies
      - Tanks ( ~1 per level )


      - Little boring in Solo
      - Very Easy ( if you play in Easy or Normal )
      - Very Hard ( if you play in Hard or Expert )
      - Bots don't take First Aid Kit in Level 5 ( in the Safe House )
      - Often, Tanks in ladders at the Finale Area
      - Many Witches in the First Level


      City 17 is a very good campaign if you play in Coop : Funny and Challenging. In Solo, they're little boring. 
      City 17 it's a good campaign in general, with interresant Level Design & Textures.
    • karmari

      Posted this review



      *5 map campaign offers great Coop experience
      * it’s not lacking zombies
      *plenty supplies -kits, pills n ammo
      *interenting 2nd lvl - You must  climb three floors after opening an alarm door by using very thin ramps in order to stop an alarm, plus tank, witch and endless hordes (do not camp at the door)
      *nice in a coop - Expert difficulty
      *average difficulty the level design
      *Special infected  well placed


      * sense of emptiness, lack of obstacles
      *lot of wide areas, easy to pick off any threats from a safe distance.
      *1st lvl   proved to be  unchallenging
      *very long stages
      *very simple finale, the tank can get BUG easily in ladders


      Based on a well known game  Half-Life 2: Episode 1, If u like HF ull like this campaing.
      special infected are a possible challeged
      lost of ways ti disturbe hordes.
      nice to play
      very clear map, hard to get lost.
      long map.
    • Terena

      Posted this review



      Familiar locations
      Good pacing
      Plentiful supplies


      Buggy mob spawns
      Too many specials at a time (possibly due to above?)
      Poor difficulty scaling - alarm section
      Cramped finale area with 3 tanks


      Getting charged off a narrow beam while being chased by hordes of hordes is not fun. Trying to kill 3 tanks at the same time in a small area is not fun. I could have overlooked these were it not for the continually messed up mob spawns - not only did they look stupid, it made some parts more challenging than they should have been.
      The look of the map is great, but it really needs some help with regards to the mob spawns and difficulty scaling. I wouldn't play it again, and I wouldn't recommend it for anything other than site-seeing on easy difficulty.
    • ExpensiveCatMR

      Posted this review



      Hi i'm ExpensivecatMR reviewer and i's reviewing This awesome City 17 Half life 2 campaign map now I've got to say this is an awesome map it made me thrill at first cause of the all the sounds and the music is amazing guys... if you played this you've experienced a whole you level on how these maps on different games can lead to be extraordinary map.


      •Well only it's has lag spikes that me and my friend have experienced


      Overall this game is an Fantastic Left4dead1 campaign game if you think so to if any of you want  to  play this game go on ahead. this is an awesome map I'll give this game an 9.8
    • Slightly******ed

      Posted this review



      -Environment is enjoyable
      -Enough amount of supplies
      -Fantastic music!
      -Vast areas to explore 


      -Slightly too loud music


      Overall a great campaign. Really loved the music! Even if it was a bit loud. I rather have music than no music at all.
      Finale area was big enough. Was actually quite easy to kill the tank luring him with the turret. 
    • AmpliDUDE

      Posted this review



      + HL2 style jeah!
      + Great textures and level of detail.
      + Great horde and tank events.
      + Bot NAV good all in all.
      + No bugs or lags I recognized.
      + Various paths to choose.
      + L4D2 events like horde events til one switches of the alarm.
      + Good map length, and also of the campaign.
      + Good spread of supplies and ammo.
      + Custom music and textures, music suits the finale.
      + Many rooms to explore.
      + Contents from HL2, also some models.
      + Good brushwork on every singe building.
      + Various machanisms to operate.
      + Support for L4D1.


      - Bot NAV in the finale was more or less useless.
      - Finale was pretty hard, because the area was not spacious.
      - Finale ladder to the plattform was buggy.


      Recommendable, no doubt! I'm not going to say much about this, because there are hardly any Cons, so let's keep it short: amazing gameplay, amazing brushwork, amazing campaign!
    • 501178723

      Posted this review



      There are many roads to choose, I compare like cadaveric tide


      Some of the buildings and the layout of the scene of some confusion


      I love the background music

End of results.