Reviews for Echo Evac

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    • Mz Cookies
      Mz Cookies

      Posted this review


      Extremely buggy, not enough items, not clear where to go

      - Lots of areas to explore
      - Glitchy textures constantly reappearing in map 2, spawning onto the player
      - never clear where to go
      - map difficulty on expert is unevenly balanced
      - finale is way too long
      - rescue point in finale is unclear
      - 'start the pumps' keeps flashing the whole time in map 1
      - no highlights on important items
      Definitely a campaign to avoid. Unfortunately the dev seems aware of these issues and how much they affect player enjoyment but chooses to ignore and keep it the way it is.
    • ErrorUnknownGT

      Posted this review



      Lack of health items throughout chapters. Not clear where to go. Glitchy textures. No indication of where this "rescue point" in the finale is.
    • Wibble199

      Posted this review


      Has potential

      I found that this map had a lot of potential however it felt very overly complex or difficult in some parts and some areas were just not well designed.
      The map did have a nice atmosphere to it and the lighting was well done as were some of the zones. However during the first mission after draining water using the pump and entering the underground zone I was swarmed by many specials all at once - 2 hunters, numerous spitters, 2 chargers, a smoker, a jockey and several boomers. This was on advanced difficulty. It was way too much to handle all at once and combined with the fact that there were common infected and water to slowly walk through it meant we got knocked down in this area. We ended up restarting the campaign from chapter 2.
      In a later stage (2 possibly) we were stuck for where to go and were running around like headless chickens trying to find the way forwards. Eventually a horde comes and knocks down part of a wall which allowed us to carry on. It seems like bad design to have a map that requires a random horde event to trigger to open a way to carry on the level.
      All in all not a particularly bad campaign but can't honestly say I'd play it again or recommend it to any other friends to play.
    • Olde

      Posted this review


      Terrible map

      Bug-ridden, terribly optimized, huge framerate drops, ugly, bad directionality, unnecessarily stingy with resources, and bots are totally detrimental. This campaign is unfinished, broken, and hugely unfun. I'm sorry, but I can't see why any author would want this released in its present condition.
    • THE Uenz

      Posted this review







    • JacobCrow

      Posted this review


      Abandonware? I don't think so.

      Stolen, as usual, and made even more unplayable than ever.
    • seramphanx

      Posted this review


      Not Bad

      I was confusion at the final moment , where do I go?

End of results.